November 29, 2010

Snow Wonder - Build A Snowman: Kids App for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

Welcome to Snow Wonder, our latest virtual playground for young explorers

Choose what you want your snowman to wear

Discover your snowman upon arriving in a winter wonderland

Build your snowman and make it snow by tapping the sky

Play again with new combinations

The team at My Busy Kit is excited to announce their latest project: Snow Wonder - Build A Snowman  for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Inspired by the "snow trip" in My Little Suitcase, Snow Wonder optimizes our virtual snow playground for the iPad, where little fingers can choose their own snowman, build it, and play in the snow. Developed by three parents, we strive for experiences that promote open-ended and creative play. Now available on iTunes!


Unknown said...

Just wanted you to know that I love your apps.....I just posted about your website and apps on my blog...

Thank you for the code :)

Tiffany T said...

Geez - you are doing so much with the Apple tech. I suck. Can you buy me an iPhone for your hubby's birthday? Or how about for President's Day?