September 27, 2009

Sailing Beyond the Golden Gate

It's historic, adventuresome, exhilarating, and requires swift skill and navigation. It takes place in unbiased and merciless territory. And it's really, really fun - especially when you have access to someone else's boat and crew.

I was excited this past Labor Day when my family had a chance to sail around San Francisco Bay. Not only did it facilitate a great afternoon nap, but it also launched a conversation about the Plastiki: a boat being built in San Francisco out of 12,000 plastic bottles. This November, the Plastiki Expedition will sail out beyond the Golden Gate and across the Pacific to make a statement about ocean exploitation.

With a day of sailing under their belts, my kids might be able to understand what it means to venture out beyond the bridge. With a computer at our fingertips, the kids can follow this adventure online, and learn about the length of time it will take to make an ocean crossing. We can talk about how the pile of trash it will be sailing through in the Great Pacific Gyre is actually what's being used to keep this particular boat afloat. So thank you David de Rothschild, for spearheading an example which can inspire today's children to become tomorrow's problem solvers (or at least that's what I hope for this little lady right here).


Amy @ The Q Family said...

That looks like a lot of fun. However, I can get seasick easily. How rough can it get? Do I need to take Bonnie in advance? :)

penandview said...

How fun is that? I'm going to check out that link. I get super sea sick--just looking at your pics made me want to reach for a Dramamine!

Heather on her travels said...

wonderful to get a different perspective from the water and such fun for the kids

Melissa Taylor said...

I LOVE sailing - such a feeling of joy and fun! Your pictures make me long for Maine and a sail boat.
