August 23, 2009

Is Your Family Vacation...Kid-Friendly?

During our last family trip of the summer, I had a blast listening to what made my kids excited and happy about traveling. I've concluded that while grownups might be interested in sightseeing, kids are much more interested in sightdoing. Here are some translations between the vacation priorities of kids and adults that I've come up with...

Adult: beautiful beaches
Child: sand castles, shell collections, beach swings

Adult: local culture
Child: cousins, friends or playmates

Adult: scenic drive
Child: story time

Adult: historic buildings or sculptures
Child: something to climb on

Adult: nature hikes
Child: flowers, cool rocks, and balance beams

Adult: hotel amenities
Child: pool with waterslide

Adult: meals
Child: snacks

Adult: rest and relaxation
Child: play and pretend

Adult: family together time
Child: nice, happy parents that aren't constantly telling me to behave

OK kids, I think I get it. I'll keep up the sightdoing - but as soon as I hear any whining, it's no deal.

Cheers to your family travels - I hope you have many great memories to take with you!


Carolina said...

Love this post. Yes, after 2 weeks of lots of sightdoing, I can relate. I think that traveling with kids, gives adults an excuse to slow down and enjoy the places they're visiting even more.
Love the changes, just got back from the vaca. so I'm going to enjoy catching up on the reading.

Peter West Carey said...

That's a really nice comparison between the two points of view and always good to remember when traveling! Thanks!